I read through this book and had to put it down several times because I was literally in shock while reading through the contents. I'm really not certain why this book was published by a Christian publisher. This entire book reads like a self-help book for women which would be fine if it was intended for a non-Christian audience. The problem is that Revell published this book which means that it's intended for a Christian audience. Honestly, the author has obviously intended the book to be read by a wider audience which makes me wonder why she didn't just take it to a different publisher.
The main premise of the author is that everything we need to answer life's questions is inside of you. That couldn't be farther from the truth if we are talking about living our lives as Christian women. God has directed us not to look inside of ourselves but to look to Him and His word for the answers to ALL of life's questions. Here are some direct quotes from this book:
"You are the keeper of your heart's desires. You are the one you have been waiting for."
"Everything you need to win in life is right inside you."
"There is something majestic inside of you."
I can't recommend this book for Christian women. The book contradicts God's word in many places. I don't know anything about Sophia Nelson except what I read about her in this book. I can't comment on her theology as it was not really evident what she believes. There was very little scripture in the book.
I wish that I could sit down with Ms. Nelson and ask her about what she believes about the Lord and His word to understand why she wrote this book. I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt especially because she wrote it during a difficult time in her life.
I would like to state that the book was exceptionally well-written grammatically. Ms. Nelson has an incredible sense of clarity in her sentence structure and she is a wonderful writer. It is rare to read through a book and think, "that idea was expressed very clearly." Unfortunately, the premise of many of her ideas did not line up with what God has revealed to us about who we are and about who He is.
I would love to explore any other books that this woman has written since she has such an excellent writing style.
NOTE: I received a copy of this book from Revell for my unbiased review.
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